In October to November, I organized birding cruises four times at
I saw many sea birds, so I'll introduce sea birds at this cruising on several entries.
At first,
I saw three
seawaters: White-faced
Shearwater (
Calonectris leucomelas), Short-tailed
Shearwater (
Puffinus tenuirostris), and Pale-footed
Shearwater (
Puffinus carneipes).

shearwaters were saw early to mid-October. Their assemblages were seen many times.

Short tailed
sheawaters' assemblages were smaller than White-
faced's one and a Pale-footed
Shearwater was seen one of this assemblage (no photo).

Fulmars (
Fulmarus glacialis) were seen in offshore, and the assemblage contained over 100 individuals.
Photos in Tomakomai, Hokkaido.