Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Eurasian Hobby

Eurasian Hobby bleeds in Hokkaido.
But I couldn't see it in bleeding season.
This individual might move from other place. They migrate to South-east Asia in winter.

Tomakomai Hokkaido. 23/Sep/2010.


  1. Wow! Lovely photograph. I really love hobbies. I've got some photos of Australian Hobbies but I don't have any good photos of this species. I've only had fleeting encounters with them.

  2. A perfect shot of this lovely Hobby I don't see so often!

  3. Thank you comments.

    Eurasian Hobby will appear in Honsyu and Kyushu for its migration, though I don't know about spot of hawk migration in Niigata and Oita.
