Tuesday, 8 June 2010

The season for bird at grassland and wetland habitats

Tree leaves make us difficult to see birds, while it is the best season for birds in grass land habitat.
I went to lower area of Ishikari river wetland.

Black-browed Reed Warbler has a high profile in this habitat.

 The next is Stonechat.

Song of Grey-headed Bunting is similar to Siberian Meadow Bunting which is the most measure Bunting in Japan.
But few Siberian Meadow stay in Hokkaido, it likes higher temperature habitat.

Reed Warbler breed in only Hokkaido, Japan. Birders in Hokkaido know well about summer plumage of this species and not well know about winter plumage. The other (most Japanese birders) are opposite.

I found a invasive Pheasant which introduced for hunting.

I found a Magpie which is also a invasive species.
It lives around Tomakomai.
But why is it in Ishikari?

All photos in Ishikari, Hokkaido. 6/Jun/2010.


  1. Looks like you're having a GREAT weather up there!!!
    I like the first Chestnut-eared Bunting shot...very artistic.
    The pheasant also looks very beautiful. I want to see this subspecies too...

  2. I've seen Magpies on several places now including near Biratori and also near Noboribetsu, they're spreading!
