Sunday, 16 May 2010

Red fox and more in Tomakomai

I found a Red Fox.
It was during hair changing.

Stone Chat was During grooming.

Black Kite and Carrion Crow.

All photos in Tomakomai, Hokkaido. 15/May/2010.


  1. The fox is so cute! I have yet to see any...
    Looks like you've got some really nice weather there.

  2. There are many foxes in Hokkaido, but not so many in Honshu and Kyushu.

  3. Nice blog ia ma discovering. Do you know if your red foxes are the same specie as the one we find in N.America...they seem a little different ;)

  4. >Dominic Gendron
    Yes. But this fox is the subspecies in Hokkaido: Ezo Red Fox (V.v.schrencki).
